Protein synthesis:
The liver manufactures plasma proteins from dietary amino acids.These proteins include albumins,globulins and those essentials for clotting of blood like fibrinogen.
Iron storage:
The red blood cells of the body become worn out after some time.These cells are not nucleated and are destroyed in the spleen and their haemoglobin is brought to the liver.The liver breaks down the haemoglobin and stores the iron released in the process.Bile pigments are also formed from the breakdown of the haemoglobin.
Harmful substances may be absorbed into the blood stream from the gut.These substances(e.g. benzoic acid,picric and chloroform) are made harmless by the liver cells.The process of converting harmful substances into harmless is known as detoxification.Alcohol is also broken down in the liver.
Heat Production:
Heat is produced as a result of numerous chemical activites occuring in the liver.This heat is distributed by the blood to the other parts of the body,thus helping to maintain the body temperature.
Removals of hormones, toxins, etc. The liver extracts many harmful materials from the blood and excretes them in the bile or from the kidneys.
Formation of red blood cells in the young embryo while it is developing in the womb.
Making heparin: this is a substance that prevents the blood from clotting as it travels through the blood system.
Removal of hemoglobin molecules: when red blood cells die, the hemoglobin is converted into bile pigments and the iron atoms are saved for future use.
Storage of blood: the liver can swell to hold huge amounts of blood which can be released into the circulation if the body suddenly needs more, e.g. if it is wounded.
Forms plasma proteins: the plasma proteins are used in blood clotting and in keeping the blood plasma constant. The main blood proteins include fibrinogen, prothrombin, albumens and globulins.
Storage of vitamins such as vitamin A and D. Vitamin A is also made in the liver from carotene, the orange-red pigment in plants. Vitamin B12 is also stored in the liver.
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